6-22 Magnet Road Canning Vale WA 6155

The Importance Of Using Warehouses In Logistics Management


Warehousing is not as simple as storing products on racks until they are required. It’s challenging and trends in logistics continue to make it harder each day. At Austwide Storage &Logistics we pride ourselves on being the best at warehouse storage management. We have top-notch systems that we use to make sure that all our clients get the very best of services. Below is a list of the top problems that can arise in a warehouse and how they can be solved.

1. Efficient inventory management

Did you know that around 8 percent of small businesses fail to track their inventory and a whopping 24 percent have no inventory management system at all? This is potentially disastrous as you end up with late shipments, slow order processing, and a bad customer experience. By using world-class warehouse storage like the one that we provide at Austwide Storage & Logistics you can centralize all your goods so that it is easier to track and manage all your inventory. If a particular item runs out, you can quickly pick it up and replace it so you do not lose any sales because of lack of stock.

2. Efficient packing and processing

At Austwide Storage & Logistics we provide you with all the equipment and supplies that are required for you to store, move, package, and process all the orders that you get from your customers. These include pallet racks and loading docks to name a few. Having everything in the same place saves you time and money. We also help you to pack and grade all your consignments according to regulations and customer needs. This reduces how much you spend on logistics and increases your flexibility. Austwide Storage & Logistics is an ideal location to distribute from which eliminates the need for your employees to fulfill your orders.

3. Great business investment

The demand for goods varies with each month. Warehousing allows you to store your non-perishable products for sale at a later date. This ensures price stabilization in your procurement and reduces your revenue losses. You can also maintain constant stock levels and maximize your profits and you can simply store your products when demand is low and then sell them at a premium when the market opens up again. All the products that you store at Austwide Storage & Logistics are insured so in the case of damage, fire, and theft, your business will not suffer, you are fully insured.

If you are looking for top-notch warehousing services, pallet racking storage solutions,transport, and logistics services contact our team at Austwide Storage & Logistics. We are eager to hear from you and we will work with you to get you the best possible service.